Anime Fighting Simulator, like many other anime RPGs based on One Piece, employs Devil Fruits to provide its players with unique abilities and encourage them to unleash their inner fighting potential. As of November 22, 2021, there are 14 useful fruits in this experience that may be equipped to assist players in leveling up and become stronger. In this quick guide, we'll list our picks for the top five fruits in Anime Fighting Simulator, in no particular order, and explain why we chose them. The Finest Devil Fruits
We cover a variety of other Anime Fighting Simulator topics here at Ways To Game, such as a list of codes to use in order to obtain chikara for champions! Click here to see our most recent list of Anime Fighting Simulator cheat codes. Below is a video from Gaming Dan in which he provides you with codes that you will need to redeem in order to get several Champions:
Dark King Magma Smoke Light Snakeman Buddha Ice Phoenix Mythical Explosive Rubber Thunder Quake Koi Z's 35 5/Check (3 Ticks) 35 and 40 12/Check (6 Ticks) 2/Check (10 Ticks) 5/Check (6 Ticks) 40 20/Check (5 Ticks) 30 ten 15/Check (4 Ticks) 15,5 per tick (4 Ticks) TBA multiplied by ten/tick (11 Ticks) 7/Check (4 Ticks) 5/Check (5 Ticks) 50 18/Check (4 Ticks) 15/Check (3 Ticks) 10 8/Check (15 Ticks) Self-Healing C 60 TBA 8/Check (4 Ticks) 60 obstructed? 75 5/Check (8 Ticks) 15/Landing and 3/Tick (? Ticks) 35 12/Check (6 Ticks) 25 10 11/Check (4 Ticks) 30/10 ticks (4 Ticks) TBATrivia
The name "Magma Fruit" almost speaks for itself. It offers you magma power and allows you to control and transform into magma, which is very useful when dealing with powerful opponents. The attacks are all very powerful and have short cooldown times, enabling you to become a natural force with the right strategy and timing.