There is no need to provide credit since this is an educational tool. But why keep the webpage to yourself if you like it? Perhaps someone else might benefit from some assistance in determining their postures. Please spread the news. We've got you covered, no matter why you're here. If you're new to sketching anime and need assistance making sure everything is in the appropriate spot, we'll make sure those limbs are the right length. Or maybe you're a seasoned pro who can't pick which position to employ or you're simply lazy. That is also acceptable. There is nothing wrong with being unable to make a decision or being lethargic. This website exists to assist you.
Step 6: You'll need to know this as well when drawing a stance example for a comic. As you can see, the first position is also wonderful; you can see what the figure is doing, and the anatomy is fine, but... if you're drawing an action tale, you need to know how to give a show! You can see that the second figure had more dynamic lines and greater impact, indicating that you may be bold with your use of perspective and motion. This is the same position as the last one, but with more life, battle, and motion. More importantly, while drawing a stance example for a comic, you must be aware of this. As you can see, the first position is also wonderful; you can see what the figure is doing, and the anatomy is fine, but... if you're drawing an action tale, you need to know how to give a show! You can see that the second figure had more dynamic lines and greater impact, demonstrating that you may be daring with your use of perspective and motion. This is the same position as the last one, but with more life, battle, and motion.