We also got to know the sinagoga's ruins. After that, he kept telling Mons. Echevarra about the Bem-aventurado. lvaro want to pause a Credo in order to join the Pope. We also slept because we thought it was a very natural, very good, very l3gic way to unite the intentions of the Pope, an ora£o to our Father, pleading for the people, and the intentions of the Sucessor of Pedroâ. Jesus came to visit all of the cities and towns.
24 22. DEUS DESIRES TO LOUVAR-TE Vida Reluz, Walmir Alencar Deus, I want to love you, I want to adore you. I want to serve you, I want to communicate to you, and God wants to bless you. I always want to give glory to my God when I sing. I'm going to go about, feeling the love, putting my hands on my hips, and praying to the Lord. I want to proclaim it every day, always singing gl3ria aleluia, aleluia.
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 476 compartilhamentos de Jesus Cristo Cole£o adicionar Ver imagem Because God loves the world so much that He sent His only Son so that everyone who does not believe in Him would not perish but will have eternal life. 562 compartilhamentos de Jesus Cristo Cole£o adicionar Ver imagem
During His earthly ministry, Salvador established a model of leadership for His church. Seu major focus was to serve the Celestial Father and assist others in understanding and experiencing His salvation (see Jo£o 5:30). He loved those he led and demonstrated his love for them by serving them (see Jo£o 13:3â5). By giving them responsibility and opportunities to grow, Salvador helped others develop their abilities (see Mateus 10:5â£8; Jo£o 14:12). He encouraged and corrected with clarity and love (see Jo£o 21:15â17).