Are you prepared to take the fight to the streets? I've got a map just for that! You can use this when the party has agreed to retrieve the belongings of an elderly gnome mage who is currently residing in a nearby inn. It appears that giant spiders have made themselves at home in her home, and she desires a specific bottle of wine from her cellar. You see, it's a very fine wine.
Hello everyone! I was hoping for some direction. I'm attempting to convert my D&D game to Roll20 and need a battle map. I was hoping for some good ideas from you guys. My players are on the run in Menzoberranzan and must flee for their lives. I'm not looking for perfection, but I do want a sense of district/city streets. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not using that magical combination of keywords to narrow down what I'm looking for, or if it's something else. At 100%, the only map I've found that comes close to what I'm looking for is far too small and a pixelated mess. Even the premium stuff hasn't yielded any results that I've discovered so far. So! Can you assist a newcomer? Do you have any suggestions? Can you point me in the right direction? I'd be eternally grateful. Thank you ahead of time!